tiancao1001 于 2008-11-14 01:23 PM 发表评论: |
查看所评论的日志:解决笔记本没有数字键盘的软件办法 |
tiancao1001 于 2008-11-07 04:14 PM 发表评论: |
REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL" /v CheckedValue /f REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL" /v CheckedValue /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f
查看所评论的日志:“显示所有文件和文件夹” 和 “不显示隐藏的文件和文件夹” |
tiancao1001 于 2008-11-05 11:09 AM 发表评论: |
上面的程序有个小问题,遇到直线的起点设终点是同一点就麻烦了,直线是可以重合的而样条曲线是不可以的。 因此要吧终点加上那么一点点,
'直线转化为样条曲线 Sub LineToSPline() Dim E As AcadEntity Dim L As AcadLine Dim StartTan(0 To 2) As Double '指定样条曲线的起点切向。 Dim FitPoints(0 To 8) As Double '指定样条曲线的所有拟合点? Dim CenterP As Variant '直线中点 Dim a(0 To 2) As Double '拟合样条曲线的端点和终点的方向 Dim n As Long Dim i As Long Dim Sp As AcadSpline n = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Count For Each E In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace i = i + 1 ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt Int(i / n * 100) & "%" & vbCrLf DoEvents 'ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt L.ObjectName 'If e.ObjectName = "AcDbLine" Then If TypeOf E Is AcadLine Then Set L = E CenterP = centerPoint(L.StartPoint, L.EndPoint) a(0) = L.StartPoint(0) - L.EndPoint(0) a(1) = L.StartPoint(1) - L.EndPoint(1) a(2) = L.StartPoint(1) - L.EndPoint(1) FitPoints(0) = L.StartPoint(0): FitPoints(1) = L.StartPoint(1): FitPoints(2) = L.StartPoint(2) FitPoints(3) = CenterP(0): FitPoints(4) = CenterP(1): FitPoints(5) = CenterP(2) FitPoints(6) = L.EndPoint(0) + 0.001: FitPoints(7) = L.EndPoint(1) + 0.001: FitPoints(8) = L.EndPoint(2) StartTan(0) = -a(0): StartTan(1) = -a(1): StartTan(2) = -a(2) Set Sp = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddSpline(FitPoints, StartTan, StartTan) Sp.Layer = L.Layer Sp.color = L.color L.Delete End If Next E End Sub |
查看所评论的日志:VBA将所有的直线转换成样条曲线 |
tiancao1001 于 2008-11-03 09:18 PM 发表评论: |
还原天正轴线字体 : Sub HYTZZT() Dim T As AcadTextStyle Set T = ThisDrawing.TextStyles("_TCH_AXIS") T.fontFile = "complex.shx" T.BigFontFile = "gbcbig.shx" ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports End Sub |
查看所评论的日志:CAD VBA 统一标注样式中的字体 |
tiancao1001 于 2008-11-03 09:53 AM 发表评论: |
查看所评论的日志:阳台建筑面? |
tiancao1001 于 2008-11-01 02:46 PM 发表评论: |
查看所评论的日志:田草日志 |
tiancao1001 于 2008-10-31 02:47 PM 发表评论: |
查看所评论的日志:田草日志 |
tiancao1001 于 2008-10-28 10:47 PM 发表评论: |
Sub Example_PickfirstSelectionSet() ' This example lists all the objects in the pickfirst selection set. ' Before running this example, create some objects in the active ' drawing and select those objects. The objects currently selected ' in the active drawing will be returned in the pickfirst selection set. Dim pfSS As AcadSelectionSet Dim ssobject As AcadEntity Dim msg As String msg = vbCrLf Set pfSS = ThisDrawing.PickfirstSelectionSet For Each ssobject In pfSS msg = msg & vbCrLf & ssobject.ObjectName Next ssobject MsgBox "The Pickfirst selection set contains: " & msg End Sub
以上的例子在IDE窗口中运行没问题 调用-vbarun命令运行时不能正确运行 可以用下列方法j解决 定义Lisp函数:
(defun tls-sub2cmd(filename subname cmdname) (eval (list 'defun (read (strcat "c:" cmdname)) nil '(if (cadr(ssgetfirst)) (sssetfirst nil (ssget))) (list 'vla-RunMacro '(vlax-get-acad-object) (strcat filename "!" subname) ) '(sssetfirst nil nil) '(princ) ) ) (vlax-add-cmd cmdname (strcat "C:" cmdname)) (princ) )
调用格式为: (tls-sub2cmd "文件名" "宏名" "命令名") |
查看所评论的日志:CAD VBA 先选择后操作 PickfirstSelectionSet |