CAD 用VBA建立带属性块
Public Function AUTO_TuKuang(ByVal Size As String, ByVal xScale As Integer)
Dim TuKuang_Layer As AcadLayer
Dim TuKuang As AcadBlock
Dim Kuang1 As AcadLWPolyline
Dim Kuang2 As AcadLWPolyline
Dim Line As AcadLine
Dim PO As Variant
Dim P(7) As Double
Dim Temp As AcadBlock, temp1 As String, temp2 As Integer, Index As Integer
PO = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "插入点")
' 如果没有,则新建该系列图层
Dim LayerExist As Boolean
For Each TuKuang_Layer In ThisDrawing.Layers
If TuKuang_Layer.Name = "图框" Then LayerExist = True
If LayerExist = False Then
Set TuKuang_Layer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("图框")
TuKuang_Layer.color = 128
End If
If ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer.Name <> "图框" Then ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = TuKuang_Layer
Select Case Size
Case "A4_H" 'A4 横向
If ThisDrawing.Blocks.Count > 0 Then
For Each Temp In ThisDrawing.Blocks
'MsgBox Temp.Name
temp1 = Temp.Name
If Left(temp1, 4) = "A4_H" Then
temp2 = Val(Right(temp1, 3))
'MsgBox Temp2
If Index < temp2 Then Index = temp2
End If
End If
Index = Index + 1
Set TuKuang = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(Point3D(0, 0, 0), "A4_H_图框" & Format(Index, "000"))
P(0) = 0: P(1) = 0: P(2) = 297: P(3) = 0: P(4) = 297: P(5) = 210: P(6) = 0: P(7) = 210
Set Kuang1 = TuKuang.AddLightWeightPolyline(P)
With Kuang1
.Closed = True
.color = acRed
.Lineweight = acLnWt030
.Layer = "图框"
End With
P(0) = 30: P(1) = 5: P(2) = 292: P(3) = 5: P(4) = 292: P(5) = 205: P(6) = 30: P(7) = 205
Set Kuang2 = TuKuang.AddLightWeightPolyline(P)
With Kuang2
.Closed = True
.color = acBlue
.Lineweight = acLnWt025
.Layer = "图框"
End With
With TuKuang
.AddLine Point3D(5, 205, 0), Point3D(5, 130, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(10, 205, 0), Point3D(10, 130, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(15, 205, 0), Point3D(15, 130, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(20, 205, 0), Point3D(20, 130, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(25, 205, 0), Point3D(25, 130, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(5, 205, 0), Point3D(30, 205, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(5, 180, 0), Point3D(30, 180, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(5, 155, 0), Point3D(30, 155, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(5, 130, 0), Point3D(30, 130, 0)
Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(292, 40, 0), Point3D(207, 40, 0))
Line.Lineweight = acLnWt025
Line.color = acBlue
Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(207, 40, 0), Point3D(207, 5, 0))
Line.Lineweight = acLnWt025
Line.color = acBlue
.AddLine Point3D(217, 5, 0), Point3D(217, 25, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(232, 5, 0), Point3D(232, 40, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(240, 5, 0), Point3D(240, 10, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(260, 5, 0), Point3D(260, 10, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(268, 5, 0), Point3D(268, 10, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(276, 5, 0), Point3D(276, 10, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(284, 5, 0), Point3D(284, 10, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(232, 32, 0), Point3D(292, 32, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(207, 10, 0), Point3D(292, 10, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(207, 15, 0), Point3D(232, 15, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(207, 20, 0), Point3D(232, 20, 0)
.AddLine Point3D(207, 25, 0), Point3D(292, 25, 0)
Dim H As Double
Dim Att As AcadAttribute
H = 文字填充高度("制图", Point3D(207, 5, 0), Point3D(217, 10, 0), 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "制图", Point3D(207, 5, 0), "制图", "制图")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(212, 7.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "设计", Point3D(207, 10, 0), "设计", "设计")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(212, 12.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "校对", Point3D(207, 15, 0), "校对", "校对")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(212, 17.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "审核", Point3D(207, 20, 0), "审核", "审核")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(212, 22.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "制图人姓名", Point3D(217, 5, 0), "制图人", "田 草")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(224.5, 7.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "设计人姓名", Point3D(217, 10, 0), "设计人", "田 草")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(224.5, 12.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "校对人姓名", Point3D(217, 15, 0), "校对人", "田 草")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(224.5, 17.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "审核人姓名", Point3D(217, 20, 0), "审核人", "田 草")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(224.5, 22.5, 0)
H = 文字填充高度("江苏省宿迁市xx建设集团", Point3D(232, 32, 0), Point3D(292, 40, 0), 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "公司名称", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "公司名称", "江苏省宿迁市xx建设集团")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(262, 36, 0)
H = 文字填充高度("江苏省宿迁市xx建设集团综合办公楼", Point3D(232, 25, 0), Point3D(292, 32, 0), 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "工程名称", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "工程名称", "江苏省宿迁市xx建设集团综合办公楼")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(262, 28.5, 0)
H = 文字填充高度("施工总平面图", Point3D(232, 25, 0), Point3D(292, 10, 0), 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "图纸名称", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "图纸名称", "施工总平面图")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(262, 17.5, 0)
H = 文字填充高度("日期", Point3D(232, 5, 0), Point3D(240, 10, 0), 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "日期", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "日期", "日期")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(236, 7.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "图别", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "图别", "图别")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(264, 7.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "建施", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "建施", "建施")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(272, 7.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "图号", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "图号", "图号")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(280, 7.5, 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "图号", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "图号", "0001")
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(288, 7.5, 0)
Dim DateString As String
DateString = Year(Now) & "年" & Month(Now) & "月" & Day(Now) & "日"
H = 文字填充高度(DateString, Point3D(240, 5, 0), Point3D(260, 10, 0), 0)
Set Att = .AddAttribute(H, acAttributeModeNormal, "日期", Point3D(0, 0, 0), "日期", DateString)
Att.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
Att.Move Att.TextAlignmentPoint, Point3D(250, 7.5, 0)
Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(161, 0, 0), Point3D(161, 5, 0))
Line.Lineweight = acLnWt030
Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(292, 105, 0), Point3D(297, 105, 0))
Line.Lineweight = acLnWt030
Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(161, 205, 0), Point3D(161, 210, 0))
Line.Lineweight = acLnWt030
Set Line = .AddLine(Point3D(25, 105, 0), Point3D(30, 105, 0))
Line.Lineweight = acLnWt030
End With
ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock PO, TuKuang.Name, xScale, xScale, xScale, 0
Case "A4_V" 'A4 竖向
Case "A3_H"
Case "A3_V"
Case "A2_H"
Case "A2_V"
Case "A1_H"
Case "A1_V"
Case "A0_H"
Case "A0_V"
End Select
End Function
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